Dreamy Gradient Color Pink Minimal Mobile Wallpaper

Sale Price:SGD 1.49 Original Price:SGD 1.99

Introducing the "Dreamy Pink Minimal Gradient Color Mobile Wallpaper" – a mesmerizing blend of ethereal hues crafted to adorn your digital sanctuary. Imagine a tranquil sunset melting into a soft, cotton candy sky, gently enveloping your screen in a serene embrace. This minimalist masterpiece transcends mere pixels, inviting you to embark on a journey of quiet contemplation and inner peace.

With its subtle gradient transitions, each glance becomes a moment of serenity, a pause amidst the chaos of modern life. Whether you're navigating through your bustling day or unwinding in the evening's quiet, this wallpaper serves as a gentle reminder to embrace simplicity and find beauty in the ordinary.

Let the soothing palette of blush pinks and delicate purples transport you to a realm where time slows down, and worries fade away. Embrace the magic of understated elegance with the "Dreamy Pink Minimal Gradient Color Mobile Wallpaper" – where every glance is an invitation to dream a little dream of tranquility.

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10312 × 18410 px · 4.9MB

Applicable to mobile phones, tablets and smart watches.

This product only contains one wallpaper, other wallpapers in the multi-device effect preview need to be purchased separately.

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The download link will be on the “Thank You” page once payment is completed

Most wallpaper themes can be instantly downloaded once payment is processed.

Few wallpaper backgrounds will generally be processed and sent within 48 hours to your email inbox as our team must confirm that patterns, quality, and links are in proper working order before shipping.