Starry Planetary Odyssey: Romance from the Universe Mobile Wallpaper

Sale Price:SGD 1.49 Original Price:SGD 1.99

This set of illustrations showcases mysterious planetary landscapes. In distant galaxies, planets rotate independently in the black night sky. Closer planets display bright colors and intricate textures, while those farther away gradually fade into the depths of the galaxy, creating a sense of depth and distance. The night sky is adorned with twinkling stars, adding a sense of vastness and mystery to the entire scene.

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7586 × 15177. 5443 × 11791 px · 6.7MB. 6.7MB

Applicable to mobile phones, tablets and smart watches.

This product only contains one wallpaper, other wallpapers in the multi-device effect preview need to be purchased separately.

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Few wallpaper backgrounds will generally be processed and sent within 48 hours to your email inbox as our team must confirm that patterns, quality, and links are in proper working order before shipping.