Stormy Sea Mobile Wallpaper

Sale Price:SGD 1.49 Original Price:SGD 1.99

The sea roars and churns in the image, with waves crashing and splashing as if to engulf everything. The surging waves rise high, creating a thunderous sound echoing along the coastline, evoking a sense of awe and fear. The tumultuous rolling of the waves presents a fierce and uncontrollable force, allowing one to feel the grandeur and majesty of nature. The gray-white tones make the scene even more solemn and austere, imparting a feeling of oppression and heaviness.

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6399 × 11415 px · 6.9MB

Applicable to mobile phones, tablets and smart watches.

This product only contains one wallpaper, other wallpapers in the multi-device effect preview need to be purchased separately.

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