"The Great Wave off Kanagawa" against a red background Mobile Wallpaper

Sale Price:SGD 1.49 Original Price:SGD 1.99

In this scene, we see the iconic "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" depicted, but with a striking departure from traditional color schemes as the background is presented in vivid red. The red backdrop resembles the glow of the setting sun, infusing the entire scene with warmth and passion. The blue waves appear exceptionally clear and bright against this backdrop, while yellow lines delineate the contours of the waves, creating an abstract artistic composition. This color scheme brings about a markedly different visual effect, with the blue waves and yellow lines contrasting vividly against the red background, offering a novel and visually stunning experience. The contrast between the red background and the blue waves accentuates the clarity and vitality of the waves, evoking sensations of cool sea breeze against the skin and the sound of waves crashing against the rocks.

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5541 × 9886 px · 6.8MB

Applicable to mobile phones, tablets and smart watches.

This product only contains one wallpaper, other wallpapers in the multi-device effect preview need to be purchased separately.

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