Under The Sunlight The Mountain Ranges Are Snowy White Mobile Wallpaper

Sale Price:SGD 1.49 Original Price:SGD 1.99

This scene portrays a spectacular and mysterious mountain landscape. The sky presents a deep blue hue, serene and profound, while the black contours of the mountains are sharp and powerful. At the peaks of the mountains, pure white snow glistens, adding a sense of purity and grandeur to the scene. Behind the mountains, the sun is obscured, leaving only a dazzling light. This beam of light, like a sharp sword, pierces through the dark horizon, illuminating the contours of the mountains and revealing a magnificent and awe-inspiring spectacle.

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6783 × 12056 px · 6.8MB

Applicable to mobile phones, tablets and smart watches.

This product only contains one wallpaper, other wallpapers in the multi-device effect preview need to be purchased separately.

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